In light of what's happened to Durov and possibly seeing Telegram compromised, I'm doubling my efforts to find a new main messenger. Before you start, not Signal as it's a bad fit for the needs of me, my family and friends.
So what do I need?
- The ability to run on multiple devices. Me, my family and friends all have multiple Android devices.
- The ability to run on desktop. Linux and Windows.
- Built in sticker repository. What can I say, I like to lazy flirt.
- Animated Emoji. I like my messenger experience vibrant.
- Material You. Again with the vibrancy, but also, it's a sign of modernity.
- Phone number linking. My family and friends are lazy as hell.
- Synchronized chats. I don't mind self hosting a bridge, but the ability to see messages on multiple devices is a must.
- Voice Messages
- Video Calls
- Group Video Calls
- Stories integrated into as first class citizens
- Private. If you suggest WhatsApp, I'm assuming you're either stupid or a troll.
Can anyone recommend anything?
Signal is modern as in modern, good cryptography. Most of development time went into that.
With security, you always need to trade-off convenience and bling features. "Lazy as hell" don't go well with that. I can understand lacking group video calls and ability to run on multiple devices, but not "sticker repository" and "animated emojis". I wish they didn't spend time on the Stories feature either, it's supposed to be a messenger, not a social media platform.
The problem with Signal is getting other people to use it.
Part of that issue is "the dropping of support for SMS, and the awful UI/UX.
what's wrong with the ui?