Satellite maps on fdroid?
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It's not elegant but you can effectively preload the tiles by just swiping around the relevant zone at a bunch of zoom levels while you have a connection. The cache is not actively purged so the tiles will be available when you need them. I've regularly done this.
OsmAnd does support this now. You need to activate the overlay/underlay you want to download, press&hold anywhere on the map, then in the menu do Actions > Download Map.
Great news.
Holding down on the map --> pressing 'Actions' --> then 'Download map' works very well offline, thank you!
I did not know about the offline satellite download within OSMand, TIL.
What is the most open and still usable satellite tileset? Is it MS Hybrid?
I think it depends a lot on where you are. Where I am, the government (kinda unofficially) provides excellent quality (<10 cm/px in some cities, and <50cm/px for the entire country) orthographically adjusted aerial imaging, that's a lot better than any commercial solution.