truly, the dick wolf-iverse is the universe most deserving of the anti-life equation.


We can't save everyone. We can't even save most of them. But we can use some of our tremendous social capital as PMC whites to save the one we are the most emotionally invested in. And that's the same thing anyway, probably.

thanks. I think quitting the booze was necessitated by quitting the tobacco. having a drink was generally a trigger for wanting a drag and I guess in the evaluation of it, I couldn't justify continuing to drink if it was going to threaten by goal to quit smoking for reasons of health. it's not like drinking itself was promoting my health either, even if I ignored it's impact on me making good decisions otherwise.

I wasn't a heavy drinker by the time I quit by any means, but I used to be in my late 20s/early 30s.

[-] 14 points 11 hours ago

they really are trying to make it authentic to Florida, I guess.

[-] 9 points 11 hours ago

I have food issues like a malamute and struggled with my body image / weight from age 12 to present (3 decades and change).

aging has made everything harder except I guess my capacity for understanding and being honest with myself have improved.

I do still care more than I should about if others find me pleasant to look at, but the stakes are lower than they ever have been lol. so now I legitimately just try to find the courage and will to improve myself for general health. I quit booze completely and have accepted how awkward I am at social functions. I don't have to feel like I'm funny or cool anymore. I'm an old fuck. I quit tobacco . I get good sleep, I stay hydrated, I stretch daily, I take my medications, I monitor my BP, I walk all over the goddamn place, and I have cultivated a deep well of affection for those vegetable heavy dishes that use heat and acid instead of salt and sugar.

my personal quality of life has improved enough from these things that I'm much less emotionally invested than I was in my pcp's interpretation of my lifestyle based on how my teat panels came back. like I just never get sick or get headaches anymore. that alone is an enduring source of strength for me.

of course, unlike the last 10 years, now everything is always moving in a good direction, so there's no conflict.

nah, i'm not really gonna get on board with "this institution is corrupt, so it should get much worse and we shouldn't have publicly supported higher education anymore."

I can't believe Trump would do this. His 8 years in the White House has been a disaster, and it's only going to get worse over the next 4 years.

personally, I think academia is gonna be on the chopping block. there are so many spineless, sniveling fascist collaborators running massive capital formations we call "universities", eager to preside over an accelerated raiding of institutional value once they are granted the free hand to do so by a federal bully teasing the withholding of federal funding. these scumbags want to race each other to the bottom, so long as their remuneration packets go up and they can crush whatever remains of the shared governance models or any staff unions that have resisted their dreams of an administratively-bloated, neoliberal, managerial university that owns all the real estate, pays no property tax, and extracts everything from the students, educators, researchers and workers that create all the value and social capital. what happened to WVU in the last years is coming for all of the state schools.

the shuttering of DEI offices and eviscerating of what remains of these public institutions in the dissemination of critical thinking has only just begun. get ready for all job training, all the time. University of [Blank], Brought to you by Amazon and Butch Jenkins Motors.

seriously, it is impressive to me how there has long existed this mechanism called an "inauguration fund" that has no restrictions or rules for the megawealthy dumping cash on recently elected head of state, and probably most Americans have never heard about it because it's never reported on by capitalist-owned media.

but trump is shouting from the rooftops, "yeah, make it rain on me you pigs or I'll take it personal and make it personal." and now it's a whole thing.

lol, dafoe in a vampire flick, Count Orlock... I totally thought everybody was on about Shadow of the Vampire (2000), which the trailer sucks for but I remember being real intriguing and creepy as a story. I was like, "damn, these kids today are going though the obscure back catalogue."

until the Lily Rose NEPPotism bit, then I was like, oh there's a new drac movie.

looks like they spent bux on it, so I'll watch it.

because there is only one story and it is have you heard of Medicare Advantage and why haven't you signed up for it already you're missing out!

as one of thousands of assholes that has such an undying affection for older, light duty trucks that I own one... yes we would. america defacto banned light duty pickups in the 70s with the chicken tax, which is why that market segment vanished by the 90s. I have one of the last ones and it is about 12 months from qualifying for "antique" status.

everybody as his brother asks me about it and if I'm interested in selling.

the US can't compete with foreign made when it comes to smaller, efficient anything so the regulators stepped in to do protectionism 50 years ago. that's why the only trucks you can find anymore of 4 door, tiny bed monstrosities and a shitload of actual tradesmen are rocking old pickups or fuckin awd subaru hatchbacks.


This article is 8 years old, but the article about a Catholic healthcare provider denying MAID services reminded me of it. i learned about it from a friend who is a researcher of medical/healthcare policy in the US.

Basically, when Catholic hospitals merge or are even bought out by secular providers in the states, the Catholic church inserts language into the contract (the property becomes "encumbered" I think is the term) to require facilities to follow / adopt Catholic restrictions in perpetuity. These restrictions can never be unwound and are generally hidden from public knowledge during the deal.

Since 2001, the number of acute care hospitals operating under Catholic doctrine has shot up 22 percent.

As Mindy Swank discovered, it’s often impossible to know when a secular hospital is operating under Catholic restrictions. Genesis became a zombie religious hospital in 1994, during a merger with Catholic Mercy Hospital in Davenport, Iowa. The trend has accelerated in recent years, as secular hospitals have joined forces with Catholic facilities in an effort to hold their own against insurance companies and to comply with requirements for greater collaboration under the Affordable Care Act. In five states—Alaska, Iowa, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin—more than 40 percent of acute care hospital beds now fall under Catholic doctrine.

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