Damn, that's the one and only reason I wont date Olivia rodrigo
wtf dont snitch, bro
Don't dox my ride, pls
me rn
I know they're supposed to be unflattering, but I can't help but love the evolution of smug wojaks
: how do I get into silver rank?
: throw games until you fall out of gold
Uncritical support to Hawaiian monk seals in their heroic struggle to snort eels against the wishes of science dweebs.
First we let the math nerds into sports, now we're letting the astrology nerds in?! Where will it end?
Number of people in prison both as a percent of population and in sheer numbers...
nonfalsofiable orthodoxy intensifies
joined 4 years ago
Trillbilly bit of rural guy that's never heard of covid, but is deeply concerned about cancel culture.