yeah, it seems to only work for those it wont let me post a screenshot.
it comes up as an ad if you search for "firefox"
It has some weird formatting issues iirc.
Is the sky woke? There's a rainbow in it.
You can't just share this headline without the picture.
I create a ublock filter. Out of interest, what exotic media are you trying to find specifically that requires using those sites?
they said their spotify playlist, so i'd assume its downloading it with something like
That works perfectly
PS C:\Users\username\3ds> gcc test.c -o test.exe
PS C:\Users\username\3ds> ./test.exe
Hello world
PS C:\Users\USERNAME\3ds> gcc test.c -o test.exe -IC:\Users\22.tom.carroll\scoop\apps\curl\current\include -LC:\Users\22.tom.carroll\scoop\apps\curl\current\lib -lcurl
PS C:\Users\USERNAMEl\3ds> ./test.exe
PS C:\Users\USERNAME3ds> ls
Directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\3ds
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 19/11/2024 20:48 c
-a---- 29/11/2024 21:35 1880 file.c
-a---- 29/11/2024 22:52 1409 test.c
-a---- 29/11/2024 22:52 236221 test.exe
PS C:\Users\USERNAME\3ds>
Its not working unfortunatly.
Every phone in europe has to have an unlockable bootloader, Although, thats useless without a custom recovery support.
I didn't know that. I am definitely going to keep this in mind now.
joined 1 year ago
I'm both.