May Allah protect them
I downloaded the video
Oh yeah everyone is laughing their ass off 😂
I hope the world doesn’t end before I get to play sparking zero
Don’t worry about ,my allay protect us all
All of us are laughing
On the trans question no he doesn’t ,on the communist question he has said that Palestinians love everyone that supports them , Putin is popular in Gaza because he’s seen as an anti western figure and a supporter in a sense ,same with China and North Korea ,many people in Gaza love China and the Soviet Union in the past
I asked him about Gaddafi and he said كل غزة بتحبه ,which means all of Gaza loves him
He said nice in Arabic with some ❤️ ❤️ and he said may Allah have mercy on him in Arabic ofc
As for your other comment احكيلها شكرا لهم على وقفتكم معنا وانتم افضل من الكثير من العرب الصامتين
He tells me to thank you for your support for us and you’re much better than the silent Arabs and better than the Arab rulers and their normalization with Israel
That scares them (gazans) because they're (Egyptian government) very suspicious of them
They treat Israelis better than us
I don't go to the mosque for this reason (my friend)
He says Egyptian people are really good with us and treat us like family, ge didn't manage to find a Palestinian community because of them are in Cairo and they are in Sinai because rent is very high in Cairo, they pay 200-220 dollar per month in sinai ,But in Egypt its 500 minimum
As for safety ,he says Alhamdulillah he's safe but internally he doesn't feel safe because the war is ongoing ,ge feels as if an F16 plane will come and bomb him and he gets Afraid to go to to the balcony because he still thinks he's ving in gaza from the shocking things he's seen, he imagines himself there
He said to stop the war ,stop arming israel because thousands of women and children have martyred cause of that, stopping the seige and surrounding of gaza thats been ongoing for 18 years and taking israel to trial and ending the occupation
When I explained that you meant people, he said financial help because everything Is expensive and no one can afford anything and the winter has come and many tents gave sunk and people need new tents and its very expensive (the material needed) ,he says when he asks or sompne from gaza asks they really need help ,they're not scamming anyone because if you had 100 thousand before the war then they have all gone becausethey were all spent, everything has multiplied in terms of price
He says you should help people individually on a financial level rather than donating to a food aid
Like giving money through PayPal or GoFund Me's
And he says to help the people who have not made any money yet nor the ones who have gotten over 100 thousand
هو حقا الوضع صعب جدا لكن انت عارفه ما بحب اطلب من حدا مساعدة
و ما بدي كمان يفكرون أنه نحن شحاتين
صحيح ما في حدا بشتغل حاليا و حياتنا واقفة لكن عنا عزة نفس ما بتخلينا نطلب
He says it's very hard but he doesn't want help and he doesn't want People to think he's a beggar ,its true that there is no work right now and our life has stopped but we have pride that makes us not ask
On how to help,he says you could help gazan people with money because the financial is catastrophic and you should post about the Palestinian cause and go to protests
افكر اسافر على اوروبا أو امريكا أعيش حياة كريمه اعيش ما تبقى من حياتي
He says he wants to go to Europe or the USA and live a good life ,what remains of his life
He says he feel shy to ask for financial help because its the 1st time in his life in which he needs help from others
I've told him to accept help and he's accepted
If you're able to financially help him then please do
قول له شكرا على موقفك العظيم معنا رغم تقييدات و احيانا توصل للسجن بسبب دعمكم لنا و احنا ك فلسطينين نكره الحكومه الامريكيه لكن نحب الشعب الأمريكي
If you don't want to translste ,he told me to tell you that he appreciates your great stand and support for tge palestinian people despite the restraints that could go to the level of going to jail for your support for us ,we the Palestinian people hate the American government but we love the American people
Ofc I am interested in those things ,I’m just sick of seeing the comments of reactionaries
Glad this exists
ان شاءلله بتزورها
جبهة الشعبية كانت تقدم الكثير من شهداء من اجل فلسطين و هي ضعفت كتير بعد ما رفعوا عنها الاموال واصبح الكثير لا يعرفونها جيدا و سابقا كانت فتح جيدة و تقاوم المحتل لكن بعد اتفاق اوسلوا اصبحت صهيونية اكتر ما هي فلسطينية
Me: the PFLP is definitely closer to Hamas than to Fatah ,Hamas and the PFLP were the two main parties who were very very against Oslo when it happened and it seems like their positions have been validated in the eyes of most Palestinians ,Oslo happened over 3 decades ago ,both are viewed positively due to being principled and being resistance movements at their core