Omg what's wrong with ppl ahhhhh!!!!
Isen't minetest another great open sauce project that takes the best part's of early minecraft experience, also getting mods to work is amazing, like garrys mod addons store so simple
I don't think it has to do with HDMI, more like the drivers, idk rather to wait or upgrade the drivers manual in Terminal. But idk what issue you are having, my HDMI is using 2.1, did u update your display, or even does your display support only 2.0 not 2.1
Like watching little ants
Would I be able to download this on Ubuntu for my rx6700xt really need the new driver so I can start raytracing in blender using hip rt
Awesome cant wait, the Animation is so close to the art
Gotta do something like this in blender :/
Mate that is gross
Just like that one video with a dude saying "I love you m9mmy" to his gf
Ikr l, watched spider verse a few days ago, awesome movie but I just was like, get this over with I'm falling asleep
So I can run my beloved ubuntu on it :3
Could use some eye bleach but even that won't help