They dropped the whole writing and editing teams. Do you think it was everyones fault in those teams?
Thats fucked up dude. Those people lost their livelihood.
What am I if I think tea must have leaves in it but added non leaf things doesn't stop it being tea? Gutter water is definitely tea. I guess a stew made with a bay leaf is also tea. Coffee is made from beans so is coffee not tea.
95% of the employees are women. I would say the comment could be construed as bad taste but not something to sue over.
I liked the homer car. Massive trunk space, 360 view, small A pillars. And having the kids separate so you aren't distracted by them. Only negative is you can't look back.
This isn't a new standard. It's changing the naming conventions to make sense.
From seeing them in the news. The main genders seem to be forest fire and polluted river.
Well. Tasting the soil where he poops is probably about as safe as eating dirt usually is, if others are pooping/tasting in the area. Thats another story.
Also don't eat dirt people. Botulism lives in there
What if the circle is bright red?
Edit: oh I see the circle now.
And then Invinsible says he will still have him once everyone else is dead and gone.Probably where the similarities end though.