Localsend ? https://localsend.org/it/download
Creating military jobs made easy
The problem is its expansionist aims
It's all hand made and reducing emigration. It should be backed up to speed up the process
BTW, who's gonna be his successor once he'll pass away? Has that already been decided?
The usual money flow. What future generation will be able to stop these should-be-retired chiefs?
China invested a lot into African hydroelectric power plants, apparently with a modest ROI
That's an old rant: woukd you trust US services after the NSA scandal? All govs are s**t today
Maps.me and organicsmaps apps are great too to edit osm. You can also replace google maps and its navigator which is great because if you don't find something on maps.me, you can immediately add it.
Do an even better comparison: school vacaancies with work vacancies. That's real life. GPT/BARD might help speed it up
The watch what you see with your own eyes now
By financial system they still mean a swift/Cips/sfms/spfs alternative?