So unless you are a flat earther, you cannot complain?
I mean, I hope you get rich mate! Yeah I understand your point, and I am also definitely happy that affordable aviation is not a multimillionaire only dream. Though still those simulations are maybe 5 percent of the costs we are talking, yet :(
I'm not saying that those deals are bad, but we are still talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars, where a sim setups is 30k or 40k at most.
Eternity. For me, this app is the only one without significant problems.
No, I'm sure it's pronounced as jpej.
15 years ago, my taekwondo instructor punched a mugger in the chest only once, and the man's rib broke and stabbed his heart and then he died. My instructor spent spent 2 or 3 years of jailtime for the crime "unintentionally killing".
Math is crying on the corner...
I wouldn't call these RPGs though :( I love the first two, but they are Sandboxes without a campaign and right now I'd kill to have something like Mass Effect. Let's wait for Squadron 42...
Just reading gorogoro made me hungry...
I am thinking about it the other way around. Most people consider vacations as a chance to get rest, because they are working starting 5 in the morning for the rest of the year.