to me it looks and feels like shit, compared to Durov's spyware it's like a PoC from 2015 looking for funding. fine demo you got there, now bring us the real thing.
but, to practical things, I lose/sell/buy/switch devices frequently. with telegram, I can lose all my devices, log on from a fresh one and all my shit is there - a decade+ of convos with 100s of people with valuable info. no juggling around with the crappy electron desktop app that doesn't give me access to convos or the inane procedure to replace a lost device and restore chat history... the other day, I successfully retrieved a piece of info from a convo from a decade prior.
I realize there are people out there that need that sort of security, but I don't. I just want Telegram with an OTR plugin (OMEMO nowadays) that prevents any nascent mass surveilance and LLM ingestion and I'm golden. but that shit's explicitly against Telegram's ToS; the only logical conclusion is they're adamant about leaving all your shit unencrypted in the cloud for some specific reason.
I can't think of any such reason that's not malevolent.
fucking edgelords... IA has trouble staying on its feet without this sorta crap.
this has "kicking puppies for palestine" energy - not sure where I've read this but it's an apt analogy.