How are you liking Pride of Chanur? C.J. Cherryh has been on my wish list for a while, but can't find her books at my local bookshops. Maybe I should just order from Amazon, they have Omnibus version available.
Also how are you liking Arabs a 3000 year history of People, Tribes and Empires? Just looked it up and it looks like an interesting book. Also learned a new word, "Arabist".
Yeah, there are two Omnibus for Chanur, first one The Chanur Saga has book 1-3, and Chanur's Endgame has last two, 4-5. Will probably just order both of them.
That sounds fascinating. For new topics, I like the approach of first reading a general book which covers vast areas of the topic, and then getting book which covers the area you are interested in, in more detail. Adding it to my wish list!
Thanks for the detailed reply!