The steam controller was (and still is) fantastic. I once got a comfortable binding for the original System Shock, which already has a pretty untenable control scheme with a keyboard and mouse. Also its haptic feedback can play music.
/bin, since that will include any basic programs (bash, ls, cd, etc.).
Far side always gives me the impression that I'm missing the joke, even though I'm usually not
At least they still have an archived version of csgo that you can still play community servers on. With overwatch 2 they just straight up made the original completely unplayable and inaccessible.
Prey (2017)
Well the tearing fixes would definitely help.
Look it's two minutes more than we had for 13 years.
Man door hand hook car door
If it detects another language on a website, it shows up on the URL bar
Or Lwaxana.
(Except for that one episode.)
When the shit doesn't work 😔
joined 1 year ago
Dont forget cs2, plus the short (but very fun) Aperture Desk Job)