REbro kept shitposting on twitter to little or no effect. I stopped going on twitter. The main admin on this site decides to step down after someone accused them of improper chats with an alleged underage person.
This feels very Hillary 2.0
Have you thought maybe they just wanted to be mean to the weird sheltered christian kid at school, and girls?
The military does what it knows how to do, make plans that kill people. The type of people and experts that should be farthest away from ever interacting with weapons of this caliber.
You can actually blame Obama’s famous “pivot to Asia” policy that got inaugurated in the Atlantic with his interview laying out the future. Dude was a total piece of shit.
God says it's time for land reforms.
This is the most likely outcome
There is a the possibility that this shit is a "Capital strike" in that they are arbitrarily raising prices to make Biden incredibly unpopular. But there's so many other factors such as supply chain shocks, climate change affecting ag yields, land use for meat production, drought, water, and fossil fuel prices. That unless some dumbfuck leaks the Illuminati/McKinsey "BreadFixing" Groupchat or the DOJ charges several high ranking officials at multiple conglomerates, nothing will happen until Trump gets in power.