This article is a big nothing burger.
Firefox has omnibox and it’s not as easy to turn off as you think. The immediately available settings do some things like add the “search” box back but the “URL” box still functions as the omnibox. Have to play around with about:config and even then I haven’t figured out how to change it turn back time to the before times.
The factory must grow
They probably spawned a sub company who will take that over. No way in hell I believe they stopped this practice.
I want categories of blocklists that I can turn on, e.g. uncheck languages I don’t know, uncheck religion, uncheck politics, etc.
I want to be able to group together all posts that were posted by the same user with the same content to different committees. I want to view that as a single post not 6 or however many they spam posted it to.
I want to be able to view same community spanning different server instances as a single community if I so choose, maybe some way to combine them and auto-add new communities with same name as they pop up ok other instances. Posting to it should give option of which server to post to, or all of them?
There’s also the check connectivity to Internet ping that network manager does. Arch Linux defaults to Arch’s servers, etc.
Other than Krita (and Kdenlive) I have used all of those. I guess I’ve just never had the need for video editing. If I do in the future I know where to go first!
Of course the watermark will only apply to their consumer versions of things, maybe their business things, and absolutely none of their government or internal things.
Yea I was going to say I thought we already knew about metals welding together in a vacuum and rust is what keeps it from happening in the atmosphere.
Recent advances in density uniformity have helped fiber optics and phone screens. Saved you a click.
I honestly do not understand their rating system. Every one of them looks to have exactly the same rating (Mozilla says 👎, People voted super creepy), but then they have a sort by least or most creepy. What gives?
Edit: nevermind looks like there are some that are “very creepy”. This rating system is kind of obtuse.