"clever girl..."
If you are in deep trouble and/or your owner doesn't feed you enough treats, type something nonsensical
I remember the Ubuntu Touch had a feature like that that kinda worked, but they never fully commited to it.
As for doing it through Termux, I'm not convinced that X11 works terribly well in Android for it to reliably extend a display to another screen. I've never tried though, so I could be we way off
Very good shout on last
-- I see the boot up and power down states very nicely described there. Sadly, no hibernate info is there, so I would still need to check journalctl for that info
Oh wow, I'm always surprised to hear about the coding habits of prolific devs. So you dont use a local IDE? You run termux and the code in vi/emacs on server?
I agree that metal is better than plastic, but it feels like they're trying to categorise water with soda as a commodity
As I'm getting more and more into keyboards, I've realised I dont want a laptop anymore.
I want a powerful phone (16GB RAM, 8-cores) that I can:
- a) use as a phone (smallish, please)
- b) use as a dockable workstation
That is, I can come home from work, slide my phone into a USB-C dock and start typing away on my Linux desktop with my fancy keyboard
Oh, and don’t come at me with stickers.
Well then. Maybe you could wrap your heart in duc-ta-a-ape! *runs away sobbing*
Water. Fresh drinking water straight from the tap.
And yet I'm seeing lots of people in the UK start to buy bottled water. Worse: canned water.
The shittification of public services in favour of private products is a creep I'm not paying enough attention to
Turkey is surprisingly quiet here.
Maybe another dame has ruffled her feathers, and she's running from her checkered past.
In a way, *takes long slow pull of cigarette* aren't we all?