AI, also known as Assumed Intelligence
It's to encourage you to eat faster and leave, so your table is available for the next victim.
In contrast, abandoned open source software can be picked up and updated by whomever gets paid to, where abandoned closed source software needs to be reimplemented from scratch at great expense to the tax payer.
Not only that, open source software can be adopted by the community (who already paid for the development through their taxes) for their own purposes. Consider for example the productivity impact on business that starts using tools that it cannot afford to develop itself.
Office things like document management, workflow management, accounting, but also tools used in the science community, transport and logistics, anything that government does is represented in some other way in society.
This is a big deal and I hope that it will reverberate across the globe and become the new normal.
Whilst we're at it, consider the impact of open data, where government datasets are available to the community.
The business model to require paid credits in order to interact with bots is in my opinion a thing of sheer bastardry.
Apparently, this is how it works: (*)
Women were on the site for free, men were required to pay for and use credits in order to interact with women.
It appears that there weren't anywhere near the numbers of women claimed by the company. Instead bots would communicate with men, using their credits in the process.
(*) I say works, because apparently the company still exists today and I'm not aware if they ever admitted to using bots, let alone discontinuing their use. The Netflix series goes into detail, which is where I got this understanding from.
Disclaimer: I'm not a customer, have never been one and my comments are based on a single source as described above.
What about something novel, like installing actual Debian?
So, after you build this Bat Roost, how do you tell the local bat population that you're open for business .. asking for .. a friend, purely for .. educational purposes.
Actually, in my opinion, Xitter is the worst social media app for society, not just LGBTQ+ people.
One of my colleagues managed to accidentally run something like rm -rf /var/tmp/ *
on a Solaris machine that was the mail server for the entire organisation.
After the command finished they realised that the inadvertent space in front of the asterisk meant that the command did slightly more damage than intended.
They were told to leave the machine running to be able to fix it from a backup, but they rebooted instead.
An open file is still usable even after it's been deleted, so the kernel and shell were still up and running .. before the reboot ..
If I recall, it took weeks to fix, involving floppy disks, Sun engineers and much egg on face.
Love this quote:
In 60 percent of cases, manufacturers do not know or do not provide reasons why their drugs fall into short supply, ASHP found.
I'll take a wild guess at the underlying reason: "profiteering by monopoly".
In my opinion, the world would be a better place if Google published the source code for each project they introduced, popularised, and discontinued.
Here's a list of the Google Graveyard:
You should check with the road authority because they might be fake.
One day I was driving down a road that I'd driven down many times when I spotted a new speed limit. It was posted in a weird location and the speed was odd.
I contacted the local main roads department and learnt that they didn't know about these signs. The next day they were gone.