TIL about the greek question mark ;;;;;;;;;;
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
And just like Reddit you're complaining about it for absolutely no reason. How about we try to be a bit more welcoming and a bit less gatekeepery.
I realize my attitude is negative, but r/programmerhumor was not my crowd and it looks like neither is this community. There is no place where I can find memes about a large part of my life and I'm frustrated.
"Missing semicolon", "light IDE is for psychopaths", "JS sucks", "AI is just if-statements", I just can't relate to those jokes and after the 100th repost I still don't think they're funny.
I'm curious, what would you prefer? Reposts suck, but dunking on the languages everyone agrees are bad and complaining about debugging is the only version of programmer humour I'm familiar with.
I found this blog article with some xkcd comics that I find hilarious, if that helps
XKCD is indeed awesome.
These are quite funny. Thank you