Daily random discussion - Aug 23, 2023
Filipino artists whose works were featured on our daily random thread covers.
Maybe I’m just being petty, but Filipino film nerds are unbearable man 😂.
Saw a reddit post talking about the cinemas in the country where you shouldn’t watch, and pretty much almost all of the famous cinemas are there. Like ano ba gusto nila? To convince casual moviegoers to stop going to those accessible cinemas and have the same mindset as them when it comes to choosing cinemas? Lol
Some theater staffs nowadays don't give a fuck on audiences, even the projectionists (oh wait they don't reel/assemble celluloid like they used to). IMAX Digital, Large Format screens, and some CityMall and Robinson's cinemas are the only cinemas in our country that delivers brighter and better picture. I've seen degradation of projections on SM Cinemas' regular screens, and SM itself and audiences don't really gave a fuck on this issue, except myself and these so-called "nerds." It's sucks because this is not what I've used to experience for the past decade.
Avengers: Endgame is the last, true blockbuster film for any kind of audiences. Seen it twice, opening day and third week, and the whole theater was packed! Great projections, real 7.1 surround sound, and attentive staffs.