I Was A Cable Guy. I Saw The Worst Of America.
Are you tired of clickbait and the current state of journalism? This community is meant to remind you that excellent journalism still happens. While not sticking to a specific topic, the focus will be on high-quality articles and discussion around their topics.
Politics is allowed, but should not be the main focus of the community.
Submissions should be articles of medium length or longer. As in, it should take you 5 minutes or more to read it. Article series’ would also qualify.
Please either submit an archive link, or include it in your summary.
Yeah that one was a ride. Initially I saw huffpost thinking it was a politics post, started reading, thought 'wow this is long', before realizing what community I was in :D
I never envied service people, especially those that had to go in homes. I'd like to think 90% of encounters are fairly cordial, but dang can humans suck sometime... Be nice to the cable person folks.