My parents…
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So this just came to mind, since it's kind of related.
My wife's family recently did another round of "family cookbook" reprints, since her sister died earlier this year and reminded the older generation of their own mortality, so they better make their additions and pass it on.
My wife did not receive one. The reason? "well you didn't have kids, so it's not like you can pass it on"
Due to genetic disorders, she decided to make sure she couldn't have kids. The doctor that performed the TL asked her about it in his opening small talk, "but you're so young!" then he opened her file, started reading, and apologized.
Her mother and remaining sister agreed with the decision and refuse to give her a copy.
Way out of line. He was probably about to ask what her husband would think.
Ohhh the amount of times people ask that... And whenever it comes up in a conversation, people ALWAYS turn to me and ask me how I feel about that.
First of all, FUCK YOU that's how I feel about it, it's none of your goddamn business thanks for asking.
Secondly, I was with her when she went to see the geneticist, and fully supported whatever decision she came to.
Thirdly, who gives a shit what I think, it's not my body that would be going through everything.
Sorry to hear.
I've chosen not to have kids by choice and I use to hear all the time from coworkers that weren't born here, "gasp! what about your grandkids and your old age? Who will take care of you? You will regret it!"
Many years later now that I'm older I hear from the same ones say I made the right decision. "You get to enjoy your life and not to worry what those little a-holes have done wrong now. They aren't a burden you can't get rid of" I then usually ask them are they sure it's not too late to abort?
People are weird, including me...