Not the richest fastest but probably nice and discreet: electronics repair shop using mending.
You can't mend to fix magic smoke problems. Though it would be awesome to run your finger along a cracked screen to repair it
5 minute $10 screen repairs?
Would have lines around the block.
I think you would be able to
You can fix constructs and magical items with it, you can't put magic back into it though
RAW it's a pretty great spell to have IRL
Why not?
Mend can't fix magic.
This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can’t restore magic to such an object.
Magic smoke is magic smoke.
Something something simple repairs... DM said no
They’re making a joke, riffing off the “you let the magic smoke out” joke used in hardware repair. The “magic smoke” is when the chip fries and needs to be replaced, and mending can only physically repair magic items.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
Not the richest fastest but probably nice and discreet: electronics repair shop using mending.
You can't mend to fix magic smoke problems. Though it would be awesome to run your finger along a cracked screen to repair it
5 minute $10 screen repairs?
Would have lines around the block.
I think you would be able to
You can fix constructs and magical items with it, you can't put magic back into it though
RAW it's a pretty great spell to have IRL
Why not?
Mend can't fix magic.
Magic smoke is magic smoke.
Something something simple repairs... DM said no
They’re making a joke, riffing off the “you let the magic smoke out” joke used in hardware repair. The “magic smoke” is when the chip fries and needs to be replaced, and mending can only physically repair magic items.