"Meaning of the numbers: The tens: 1: herald, 2: guardian, 3: crusader, ... The ones: 0: 1 star, 2: 2 star, 4: 3 star, 6: 4 star 8: 5 star So for ex.: 36: crusader 4 star" ("The graph could be a bit inaccurate (showing 35.82 here)")
"The outcome of your lane in the first 10 minutes" ... "W: win, L: loss, S: stomp" ... "T means tie"
"Which hero you played in the game, the first 3 letters of the hero. Should be read from
top to bottom per column"
"PARTY: If you played in a party it will print a P, otherwise empty" ... "AWARD: Stratz award for your ingame performance. T: top core/support, M: MVP, empty: none"
"Here 25: x 50: x and 100: x means that 'x' is calculated using the last 25/50/100 games."
Edit: thanks for the feedback and pointing out the not so obvious parts, this way its clearer for anyone in the future (I hope :D)
I tried to explain most of the things you asked in the second readme update, and also added some minor details in a third update:
: If you played in a party it will print a P, otherwise empty" ... "AWARD
: Stratz award for your ingame performance. T: top core/support, M: MVP, empty: none"Edit: thanks for the feedback and pointing out the not so obvious parts, this way its clearer for anyone in the future (I hope :D)