Covid: It's That Bad
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As someone with long covid, it is fucking hell. The extreme fatigue, muscle soreness, lengthened healing times of wounds or new sicknesses or physical exertion have made life hardly bearable. I just straight up don't have the energy or mental capacity to do anything I used to love and enjoy.
It's endlessly depressing, even though I know I am keeping myself out of clinical depression after learning how to deal with depressive issues more proactively now.
I wish I just wore an n95 whenever I was around people now, but I know I never would have done so unless I knew how truly awful long covid is.
I'm there with you. If you haven't already, look into the treatments for mast cell activation disorder, it has a lot of overlap. In fact, I'm convinced they're largely the same thing. I'm popping pills like candy nowadays but I'm finally on the upswing.
I hugely appreciate the information! I'll look into that for sure.