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Fun fact - in the comics Forge made a gun that strips away mutant powers, and the government tried to use in on Rogue (which, having absorbed Ms. Marvel, was much more of a threat than her version in the Fox movies) - but Storm, ignorant to the gun's purpose, took the bullet for her. After that, lamenting the loss of her powers became her entire personality for a while. Comics being comics eventually she got them back - but I think that she is still a bit salty about this, and it shows in that scene.
Refresh my memory. Was that when she got the mohawk haircut and started dressing like Grace Jones back-up dancers?
They were a year apart. the mohawk and costume change debuted first in #173 (1983) and Storm lost her powers in #185 (1984).
I bow to your expertise.
I'm salty you made fun of my favorite Storm fit, but that was hilariously accurate.
And Grace is still in the game.
I think she was just trying to copy Callisto's style.
Just did a quick check. Storm's first appearance was 1975, almost fifty years ago.
I guess she's allowed to have a few different looks.
Lifedeath. One of my absolute favorite Storm arcs. Such a great story and the art is top notch.
Is the movie canon with the comics, though?
The comics are barely canon with the comics.
The movies are barely canon with the movies, too, for that matter.
They are completely separate continuities.