Music apps and sorting music
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Ayyyyy, I just closed my pc after tagging some songs. I've started a big project of replacing my music library with .flac files which I also convert them to .opus files in a separate folder and I try to tag them all prolerly. I've even set up a workflow with instructions on how to do it (tell me if you want to share that).
As for the music players, I too use VLC which really has limited capabilities raleted to tags usage, so I found Phonograph Plus which even lets you edit tags and can sort using many different tags (even supports lyrics).
Till I replace all of my music library, I might keep using VLC, but after that I might switch to phonograph plus.
There's a reason to prefer opus over flac?
I keep both on my pc (or external drive), but because .flac files are about 6 times bigger than .opus, I only copy the .opus files to my phone (not enough space for .flac).