Power supply for this little fella
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Amps are how much you can push Volts are how hard you can push
If you push too much, the device won't use everything If you push too hard, something is likely to break!
That's how I try to remember. It's a bit more complicated because you're not wasting 1.3a if it's only using 0.7. and I'd have to do the math but for example in some cases you could use (for example without checking math) 10v power supply and only use .6 amps
In your case go with what agentsac is saying, but I don't think you need to worry about max amps.
I like thinking in hydraulic equivalence: Voltage is the water pressure, and Amperes is the amount of water. Multiply the two and you get the size and ferocity of the river.
I think I like your idea better