My first attempt at a gaming PC build. Aiming for a $1000 budget. Does anyone have recommendations on how to improve or save cost? Thanks!
Update: with the Newegg bundle deals, I was able to get a 7600x and a gigabyte B650 Eagle AX with a free Team Group MP33 M.2 2280 1TB X3 NVME. Dropped the 2TB. Swapped with a Montub AIR 309 MAX case and XFX Speedster SWFT 6800 and got the price to $1050
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I always do a more of a low-tier build myself, so I may not be the best person to offer my advice. But, it looks good to me. I was gonna say I've never heard of the case brand and make sure it won't be a hassle to build in, but it looks very open and easy to use.
Are there any case brands you recommend?
I haven't tired enough to recommend one. I can certainly advise you to steer clear of Thermaltake though. I had one of theirs that I hated because cable management was just nearly impossible in it.