Medication holiday
A casual community for people with ADHD
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It makes no sense to me why we pressure people to take breaks from psychiatric medication when we don’t for like any other condition?
Take your meds, fuck em.
We do take med holidays for other conditions.
Taking a holiday from stimulant adhd meds allows our body to come down to "normal" chemical levels again so that when we really need to take it, the effect from the meds is better.
Im not your doctor but maybe non-stim might work better? Or every other day dose timing with extended release formulas. There are ways to get the meds you need and live normally. No need to feel like some crazy animal for weeks on end.
She mainly suggested it for the summer holidays since I've recently graduated from a very stressful and high intensity school program!
She still gave me my meds but I do think she wanted me to take a break so that my body would be able to.... Deflate.
I'm 100% sure I would have kept myself busy and never taken the time to just exist otherwise.
It DID make me realise that I can survive without the meds, though I dislike it.
The first day, I felt like I was gonna ruin my life without it. But now I realise that it was anxiety due to using it and feeling so good with them.
It helped me realise that no, I won't die without them. But I do need them.
They're not crucial to my survival right now so I can reduce the fréquence of taking them.
I usually take a break on Sundays, and take only my anti-depressants ^^ But I guess she might have wanted me to try and gauge how much I needed them now that I've graduated.
Do you drink coffee? Because caffeine helps a ton when you’re on a med break.