The Linux Foundation spent 2% on linux kernel support in 2023
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So? Does it need more? Seems to be doing just fine.
Not sure why people think the linux foundation should only do the kernel, it supports a wide variety of open source projects.
Are we really doing fine? 4% linux market share? Windows is a default? 8 fellows and 28 "leaders"? That's "fine"?
The maintainers are burning out, the developers are graying, there could be more tests, Rust could be a bigger focus, hundreds of positions from trainee and beyond could be funded, contributions via alternative means besides email could be supported, hardware support could be improved, support staff could be employed, lobbying for linux could be done (linux as a default for products, government OS default could be linux, etc.), and so much more directly related to linux could be done.
Anti Commercial-AI license
On desktop. On servers the situation is much different.
and pretty much every device thats not a desktop computer runs linux.