What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024?
Vintage gaming community.
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Perhaps a more engaging question would be what's the earliest game you've played that still holds up today, to which I would answer Nethack from 1987. I guess you could say Rogue, but it was a bit too limited. Nethack still gets updates and I still go through periods where I spend a few days playing it.
My answer to both would be Doom (1993).
For sure. I've recently been delving more deeply into the modding scene and there's just a cornucopia of fun stuff people have made over the years.
In some ways Doom is the greatest game ever made.
The scene is truly eternal. I've dipped in and out of it myself over the decades. It's so incredibly rich.
If you haven't tried it I'd recommend checking out Doom Builder 2 and seeing how you like running around a room you just made. It's addictive in a Minecraft-esque sort of way.
I haven't made a new map in years and I was just scratching out a level idea in a notebook just this Friday. I guess it never leaves you
I came to say Nethack. DYWYPI?
Haha yeah YASD.
Closest I ever came to winning was a wizard that I got powered up and I was wandering around trying to find a few things I needed for the ascension kit but couldn't quite do it. He was pretty much unkillable but I just wandered around until I wasn't playing anymore, so one some old hard drive somewhere I've got a powerful wizard stuck somewhere in the dungeons.