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A place to post and look at clear photographs of battlestation setups.
Completed battlestation photos only: No photos of just boxes, components, or the inside of your tower.
Clear photos: Photos must be high quality and sufficiently bright to see your station.
Your battlestations only - You must own it or use it regularly. If it's not yours, don't submit it.
Photographs only - No memes, videos, gifs, sound clips, general websites, ads, or articles.
Be civil - No personal attacks, insulting someone's OS or platform or sharing personal information. Be kind to each other.
No spam - Affiliate links and all forms of advertisement are strictly forbidden. This includes repeatedly reposting your own battlestation. You may only re-submit your battlestation after having made significant changes since the last post.
No pandering - No sob stories, pandering or self-deprecation. This includes titles like 'She's not much but she's mine' and 'My humble setup', including your age or school.
Do you find it too cluttered? Do you experience physical pain from being cramped after working there for a while?
We're not gonna be able to tell you your tolerance levels.
Nah I think it's cosy I'm more wondering what people think of the general Aesthetics
The good news is that it's an amazing setup and has got a little bit of everything
The bad news...
Yes it's more than a bit cluttered. But that's not necessarily a bad thing
But since you specifically asked about aesthetics.....
I'm sorry man but in my opinion it's not super great. But hey that's just me
All good. I appreciate the feedback. It's a lot of legacy stuff I've had across several years combined together and I've tried my best to make it fit within the desk. You can see in the photo I had to use a Simpsons comic book so that my monitor fit over my original Xbox for example.
Does anything specific standout or any recommendations?