I lost interest after they added real money missions
This automatically reminded me of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9lix_Rodr%C3%ADguez_de_la_Fuente
They call it recall for the click bait. It's an OTA update.
It happened on 2 episodes in a row, with over a minite wait until the episode. Both times the same ad, which makes it even worse, for a 20 min episode of lower decks. I'm sensitive to commercials when I'm already paying premium.
I appreciate it. I'm trying to get familiar with rss and the sort. I am just a bit scared of the rabbit hole where I'll end up dedicating a whole room of the house to selfhosting lol
This happened shortly after 4 council members were disqualified from an 'idiot contest' as professionals weren't allowed
The pigeon wins up to around 600 miles
All very good of reasons. But they are so creepy!
I stopped playing if when they put heroes behind the battle pass, and thus giving very real game advantage for money. They can shove it
It's unknown if autopilot was engaged... Sigh..
Tonight is daylight time savings in the US, so watch for that