I read about him some in the past when this image was used as a meme template. I firmly believe he would love seeing his work used in that way.
Totally I agree :)
Imagine being told "an image of you will be the base of a joke that gets hundreds of thousands of people to laugh in just over 200 years".
I have this same shot on my cellphone from my trip to the Louvre. It was such a strange experience looking up and seeing a meme on the gallery wall!
The feeling of , Oh this exists in real life! I got that from The Birth of Venus (actually huge too!)
Très expressif et naturel !
Sinon pour d'autres autoportraits il y a Rembrandt qui en a fait plusieurs.
On peut en trouver en utilisant par exemple :
Still my very favorite meme.
Wander the gallery. Look at the art. Be polite. If you feel able please post some great art :)