It is almost like you can learn things about making trucks after 100 years.
It's the only thing Ford is decent at.
As much as the Cybertruck is a dumb product in a dumb product category[1], at least it doesn't waste space for a martial-looking hood. Clearly there's one obvious feature the other pickup manufacturers could learn from.
[1] luxury/double-cab pickups; at best they're used like a station wagon (but they aren't actually particularly good at that) and at worst just haul asses and assert dominance
That is one ugly fucking truck.
Which one?
Embarssing, but what you'd expect from a steel nuget on wheels. But we all know that the Ford F150 and Cybertruck have a comleatly different target customer base.
Was the ford in 2wd? Im prettty sure Ive driven worse roads than that while towing a trailer.
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