It's amazing to me how much this looks like this image from the other day.
Is that you, Mister-T?
Looks really cute, I like the design, but folding it up seems almost useless, you’re barely saving space, but maybe it’d be enough to make it worth it in some cases, maybe if you’re lugging it onto a plane (?) or bringing it into class, so that it didn’t look like a scooter.
Hey look, Honda already solved that question... Back in the 80s!
Lol, it gets a few inches shorter
Small enough to put it in a car!
The Honda City itself would fit in the trunk of some modern cars. It is positively tiny compared to the current sizes of cars.
The immortal snail isn’t real. It can’t hurt you.
How do you steer?
Tank controls, each stick would control the speed of one side of wheels.
It's a pretty silly design apart from looking like a snail.
The folding is barely space saving, also the space required for folding would mean there are no internal parts, so where's the engine?
If you hit anything you'll get catapulted off the front it your legs crushed to noodles
With your imagination.
Not OC, so just guessing, but, for the controls, I would try moving one antenna forwards and the other backwards.
Regarding the wheels, it seems sharp angles would be an issue.
Where do the front three wheels go? They just disappear?
7 sets of wheels in first image, 6 sets in the next and then those 3 sets (as you pointed out) just go 🤔😂
Oh man I didn't even count those first disappearing wheels lol
This is very cute!
Oh I love this
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