Look at the Samsung "a" series of phones they should be around your price and have expandable storage AFAIK. I would go with the Samsung a54
That looks like a great phone, thanks :)
I can highly recommend !fairphone@lemmy.ml if you want to avoid this situation in the future. Had she dropped a Fairphone 4 instead, this whole endeavour would have been £80, eight Phillips screws, a few clips and 10-20min of your time ;)
They're going to be 2-3x than what you had in mind though. Here in Germany, you can get the FP4 starting at 400-450€ and the somewhat recently released FP5 for 700€. No idea about UK.
IMO it's worth it though.
I'd love a fairphone, but the price is way too high for a phone. I can't justify paying that much extra just so that it's easier to repair.
The really annoying part is, I can probably fix her current phone, but I won't know until I open it.
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