Anyone has the definitions and or expertise to tell what those 9 areas mean? Some are self explanatory some are not (like novel entities?)
From TFA, novel entities are:
The definition of this boundary is now restricted to truly novel anthropogenic introductions to Earth system. These include synthetic chemicals and substances (e.g., microplastics, endocrine disruptors, and organic pollutants); anthropogenically mobilized radioactive materials, including nuclear waste and nuclear weapons; and human modification of evolution, genetically modified organisms and other direct human interventions in evolutionary processes.
Oh man. We are fuucked.
Yeah.. I've had a good life and I respect all other life (mostly, I am human). I'm sorry we went out this way. I didn't partake in the large chunk of wealth nor did I have the opportunity to do so.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences with me, whether in person or online. Both relationships hold the same weight. I love you all. If there is another plane, I hope to see most of you there.
If we close out all nine challenges do we just respawn or does it unlock a new map?
This is so cool. Like, just such a good vibe to be in. I love ~~plastics~~ novel entities plaguing my environment.
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