Why do these posts constantly think a Billionaire literally has a billion dollars sat in a bank like Scrooge McDuck. Most of their 'net worth' is tied up in stocks, normally as part of the business they founded decades ago. Sure, a billionaire likely does have many millions sat in a bank account and the point is valid, but please stop suggesting rich people have their entire worth in cash because it makes them sound better than they really are. Just look at Trump, he feeds off this misconception. He ain't got anywhere near a billion dollars in cash until he sells his golden toilets.
Doesn't matter that they don't have it in the bank. Banks will trip over themselves to lend them cash.
While I think there are limits to how much money anybody can reasonably spend, if someone works hard and makes money legally and ethically by virtue of their efforts then that's their own business. It's different of course if they made their money through crime or exploitation, and it's easy to think of examples, but that isn't the case for most people.
Also, if people perceive inequity then the answer is progressive taxation and other forms of financial remuneration to the state which can be dispersed as they see fit. If billionaires were hit with super taxes then they'd still be billionaires but it would pay for services that would raise the quality of life for everyone else.
Here's the honest truth about money.
Rich people aren't as rich as you think.
Elon Musk is a perfect example. He has all of this supposed money, but if he ever TRULY tried to access all of it he would be cut off at the knees.
All of his money is tied up in investments. and if he tried to pull all of that capital investment they simply wouldn't let him. Because if he did do so, it would destroy the global economy. So in reality he basically has only a real access to only a fraction of his supposed wealth. just enough to be rich, just not super rich.
The sheiks in Saudi Arabia have more wealth and power than him because they can collapse oil revenues whenever they want. and their wealth is tied up in commodities. the big one people need.
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