Example summary for Tiletum:
- board:
- populate action wheel with action tiles (optional) and bonus tiles
- 3 bonus tiles for king track (no tile for last round)
- bonus tiles for map spots based on player count
- town and fair tiles on track, fair order marker on the picked towns
- cathedral tiles and random build reqs. Remove unavail cathedral
- contract and character markets
- 10 dice in bag (2p)
- players:
- markers on score track, turn order track, king track (p1 on bottom!)
- place houses and pillars on their spots. There should be 2 of each left for each player as their available supply
- 1 of each resource
- 1 gold for p1, 3 gold for p2
- prep: draw, roll and place 8 dice (2p)
- action:
- p1 flips and applies corruption token
- dice values +/- for 2 gold. affects action and # resources
- pick die, get bonus tile and resources, perform action
- king: points, bonus tile, player order. bottom wins tie. from negative snap to 0 after
- fair: merchant or house in town to qualify
- cleanup: refill wheel tiles, rotate wheel
Tasks (free actions) at any time:
- gain a resource for 2 gold
- fulfill contract
- place crest (food cost). Apply bonuses
- build cathedral (only 1 of each type!)
- use helper tiles from storehouse
- many house spots are only for higher player counts. With 2p there is at most 1 spot in each city
- some house spots have bonuses
- players can only get 1 cathedral piece per type!
(should add a section about scoring too)