I feel this. Sometimes I'm looking up something on a fresh browser and I say to myself 'I'm just looking up one thing, I don't need all the extensions'
Then the google results get buried and the article is clogged with ads. It could also be I'm so used to an as free internet I can't tolerate even the most innocuous banner ad
Not only does my browser have an ad blocker, all of my devices use my PiHole via Tailscale (Headscale) as their DNS server.
You're just now coming to this realization?
Ever since download speeds have been able to support the bandwidth required for ads, ad-blockers have been a part of my daily life. I'm gonna guess that started in 2006?
On top of that, ads pay to load first; so even if you've got a poor connection, guess what the first thing you'll see is?
At this point, it will take hostile confrontation to turn the tide if advertisements and click-bait on the internet. We need to make it more expensive for advertisers, with less return.
i am at the point where i'm just letting this encourage me to use the internet less. my house is quieter, my mind is quieter.
But they ads to pay for seo engineers to get more traffic to show more ads.
This is the current metagame of the web, only people profiting are SEO engineers and ad services.
As someone who never used an ad blocker, its always been like this.
You're missing out.
Like eating bread and water, no butter no cheese, no ham, no hot cocoa.
What is enshittification?
The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits. (Cory Doctorow, 2022, extracted from Wikitionary) source
The lifecycle of Big Internet
We discuss how predatory big tech platforms live and die by luring people in and then decaying for profit.
Embrace, extend and extinguish
We also discuss how naturally open technologies like the Fediverse can be susceptible to corporate takeovers, rugpulls and subsequent enshittification.