My buddy has the same bike. He loves it. I will warn you to keep an eye on the tires though. His started to crack on the sidewalls after about 3 months.
Oh weird. Thanks, I'll keep an eye out.
How big is the difference for your personally, when comparing the 2 bikes?
The difference is enormous, but so is the price tag. The first few rides were pretty shaky on the new bike because it's so much different, but now that I'm starting to get used to it I'm able to climb hills and go through some slightly technical sections while feeling mostly in-control.
Quite a few times I've ridden over things that would have stopped my old bike in its tracks, and this new bike doesn't miss a beat.
As far as bikes like this go, this one is pretty mid. The components that it comes with are good and fine, but not the best. They get a lot more expensive than this, but like anything else there's a point of diminishing returns and I feel like I got my money's worth with this one.
It's definitely going to be night and day.
Lovely bike, might look better with tan sidewalls /s ;)
For real! The black tires just ruin it for me.
Looks like a ton of fun. Congratulations!
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