1. Submission must be related to MH and Malaysia
In the case of articles and other forms of link, users please submit it as a text submission, and reasons must be provided on how this link can or had affected the user's personal experience.
2. Be civil & respectful.
Maintaining proper etiquette is expected.
3. No advertising of other forums and organisations
We appreciate you mentioning other forums or Org. as references or anecdotes, but we do not allow advertising.
4. Be vague with personal information
Share it in private at the user's own risk: In the case of deciding to form a group and meeting up IRL, we suggest users to prioritise their safety and have a few backup plans, such as having a check-in with close friends or family, and meeting in public spaces. Users must take accountability for their own actions.
5. This sub is a safe haven
All opinions will be accepted as long as it is an empathetic, civil, and open discussion. Removal of comments and users is subjected to the mod's discretion. Removal of comments and users is subject to mod's discretion, which may or may not include the items below:
- Posts that are generally judgemental
Unhelpful, or provide no insight posts are highly discouraged. (Relaxed on non-serious threads)
- No Diagnosis and Prescription
We do not appreciate "You sound like you have bipolar", but "sounds like something is up, here's some information you could use, PM me" would be a better way to phrase your thoughts.
- Be very careful about your encouragement
Do not promise anything and try to come from an angle you want to support and validate their feelings and situation. "It'll be better", and "It's going to be fine" will not cut it.