Okay you got me thinking about this a bit, my own hardware is not DV capable so typically I just avoid media that is DV only. But for experimentation I tested a few media players on Windows
- Jellyfin
- Kodi
- Potplayer
Interestingly with default settings none of them will playback DV with tonemapping (no HDR, just DV only aka DV Profile 5).
I did figure out additional settings for one of the media players, MPV will do DV tonemapping if you add "--vo=gpu-next" to the command line on startup e.g.
mpv --vo=gpu-next yourmediafile.mkv
No idea on any of the other media players, there weren't any obvious settings to enable for DV tonemapping.
Reference re: mpv https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/9506