There were 360 possible directions he could run and he chose the wrong one
He's like, dead then right?
That sucked.
That guy watched Prometheus and thought it was a manual.
Did I just see a dude die?
I hope not.
That said, if you know any details, please share. I think we'll have same 'no visible death' rule as on other platforms.
If memory serves, guy died.
I don't see how he could have survived. But I hope he did for his sake.
Please mark stuff like this NSFW.
How is this nsfw? Guy's straight up getting looney tuned by a tree, nothing gory or anything.
He's not a cartoon though. As far as we know, it's real video of a person's life ending. For that reason, these types of things are typically marked NSFW whether there's gore or not.
AFAIK there's no NSFW marking for an individual post.
What Could Go Wrong
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1 Golden Rule: Links must contain a stupid idea and something going wrong.
2 Direct links to gifs/videos/pics only.
3 Tag your material with NSFW if it is NSFW - NSFL posts are not allowed (nor any children getting hurt).
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