Is there a specific version of Webdav you'd suggest? another user suggested using SFTPGo, do you have any preferences?

This one already looks extremely interesting. Have you had any experience utilizing it with a public facing website?

That is a new one for us! Thank you for the info I will do some research!

Yeah our problem is we are hosting everything on a website for public use. I didn't know that they were working on public search I will give that a read thank you!

Would the rclone method work with a public website? I only have a vague familiarity with rclone from the .edu google drive days.

Hosting data publicly? (

Hey everyone,

I’m reaching out because I could use some help or guidance here. So, I kinda ended up being the go-to person for collecting and storing data in a project I’m involved in with my team. We’ve got a bunch of data, like tens of thousands of files, and we’re using nextcloud to make it accessible to our users. The thing is, we’re facing a bit of a challenge with the search function on nextcloud when accessed through a public link. Being that there isn’t a search function. While we really appreciate the features it offers from an administrative standpoint, it’s not working that well for our users.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or resources that could point us in the right direction for this project? It would be super awesome if it’s something open-source and privacy retaining. 😄

Thanks a bunch in advance!


joined 1 year ago