The bumper is from second generation Renault Megane.
Yeah. This game is s**t.
Sierra Ferrell
Kassi Valazza
YouTube channels
Western Af and GemsOnVHS
Rev peyton's big damn band
Citroen e-c3 is trying.
Yeah yeah. Mr robot experiment, broken extensions, pocket, telemetry build in but not opt in, user data collecting. I don't even talk about pushing shitty propaganda on their browser and blog to lock internet freedom. Also incompetence of mozilla as organization. Big pay of to director then browser is in shittiest position ever. Mozilla director photo on instagram with middle finger up gor users who don't like her. Even more things just google them yourself. You just don't want to see them. You must be crazy standing for them for free. Maybe you're one of them. At least here you can't ban comment you don't like... kinda yet. Because reddit subreddit does that because they don't like truth.
It works fine. It's just you. The year of linux is every year.
That's true.
Firefox is as much botnet as others. Full of telemetry, diagnostics, pocket and other shit. That's why there are secure forks. Firefox in stock form is as much botnet as others. Also firefox is selling out to the same google so don't pretent it's better because it's not.
I just use gestures.
Tokyo camera club
If you move from facebook to instagram or threads why move at all?