~~Or the fact that you have to lay a cable some 9,000km through some of the roughest / windy seas. It's not called the Roaring Forties for nothing~~
Edit misread your comment
~~Or the fact that you have to lay a cable some 9,000km through some of the roughest / windy seas. It's not called the Roaring Forties for nothing~~
Edit misread your comment
You are all crazy, it's how the world should be, drive on the left
Just tried google’s imageFX:
A cartoon of a bumblebee flying an open cockpit plane pollinating wild flowers with mountains in the background
I think it would be a good improvement to have 24 h / 1 week / all time
Thanks for the hi-res upscale to work off, although I did downsize it
Ferryhill For the first 6 months I was staying in Eppleby, well done if you can place that dot on the map. I must say that a village that small felt very closed off and it wasn't until moving into Darlo that I felt that I meet 'real' people.
Wasn't quite Geordie land, I was based in Darlo / Middlesbrough area. Probably not too different.
Ask chatGPT/Dall-e for the seed, then prompt with that seen number and and then see how far you can push it by asking for small alterations
Unless you are Kim Dot Com, the the Yanks can f you over even if they break NZ law id doing so
What's a VPN /s
Reportinging in form a country whey they need a court order to get a name/address
and is one that we are happy enough to use