Here in Norway, a few years back, almost every news outlet had "guides" on how to buy your first apartment/house (buying a home became an integrated part of our economy after the war).
It was in the style of "if I can do it, anyone can"-interview with someone that just recently had bought their first home. The articles started pretty tame with clever tips where the boy/girl made coffee/lunch at home and saved a miniscule amount of money. Sure. Nice tips on how to save money.
Then it usually escalated to get your parents to buy an apartment, rent it out and keep all the rent income while living for free at home. After a while, sell the apartment and buy a new one.
Pretty fucking horrifying that journalists thought: "yes, this is a good article to print. It will help people!"
Not a fixation on foreskins but on personal freedoms and the right to choose what happens to your own body:
Are you an adult? Cut off what ever part of your body you want to. I don't care.
Are you an adult who wants to cut of body parts from others? No. Stop it. Let them decided themselves when they are old enough.