Egg Prime Directive, you NEVER try to crack someone else's egg. It is imperative to respect people's gender identities always, that means listening to them, even if they don't conform to traditional gender norms. If a person is taking HRT to look fem but says they're male, then they're male, it's valid. No one has the right to argue that he's semantically a trans woman, because gender identity is ultimately based on how one identifies, not ones actions, choices, or desires.

This post is extremely disrespectful to transmascs and gender nonconforming individuals, and just in general gives really awful vibes.

First of all this assumes that a person must be transfem or a woman to want, have, or work to get these things. This is not correct. A person may desire any of these things while identifying as female, male, or even Get this, NonBinary, yeah wild isn't it. That's because presentation and gender identity are separate things altogether.

Which is also the reason why this phrase

-ability to wear adorable clothes

Is flat out wrong, because gender and presentation are not the same. In addition this take is extremely harmful and reinforces gender stereotypes. I know people are starting to think that's not a real thing and that only terfs say that, but reinforcing gender stereotypes is a real thing and it's really disrespectful both to trans and GNC people.

-ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms

This is both hurtful to transmasc people and is just in general extremely misandristic. You should be ashamed of yourself, this hating men thing is grossly reminiscent of TERF rhetoric.

-decimate your fapping addiction

Ignoring the fact that this assumes the viewer even has one in the first place (which many won't) this isn't even really true, because estrogen affects different people's sex drive differently, some may lose that urge, but for others it may be just as strong, some might be even stronger. I have no personal experience (and I don't plan on it) this is mostly gathered from things I've read online and the experiences my trans friends have shared with me, so take that how you will.

-improved mental state

This really depends, is E what this person wants? If so then yes it certainly would, but if they don't it would probably cause the opposite effect. It can lead to an improvement, but only if the person wants it and the affects that come with it, but if they don't want it, then it's not going to be a good experience for them.

Okay that's fine then, you can just buy a block of cheese and grate it yourself. There are these things called cheese gradters which exist for that very purpose.

You can even, get this, use them to slice the cheese thinly using the slicing part of them.

I know wild right.

I'm not sure why people think reptiles are slimy, they're not, their skin feels more leathery or like smooth plastic or vinyl. Hardly what I would call slimy. Amphibians are slimy, which makes sense since amphibians have permeable skin but reptiles have impermeable skin (it's actually more impermeable than ours) so it stands to reason that to would not feel wet or slimy at all, and they pretty much don't.

I would disagree though that pythons feel smooth, they do still have that rough reptilian feel, they don't don't feel gross though, at least I don't think so. If you have Herpetophobia you might disagree with my take.

All loving, benevolent creator eh?

I wasn't even able to find the revision, it seems the person who made the meme just used the editor to make the edit, then took a screenshot of the preview but didn't publish it.

Terms of service were meant to be broken, they are a once-sided agreement that the other party never needs to uphold, there are no consequences for them if they don't. So I say the moment they try to screw you over give them a good punch in the face, there are some nasty ways to do that to online entities, some illegal, others just petty, some in grey areas (in real free countries none of them are illegal, because corporations aren't protected in places like that).

I mean I'm Aroace so I can do without kissing, it would feel weird (also kinda gross).


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[-] 28 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Pretty sure most coins aren't magnetic so the reaction would be much more underwhelming than shown here, the coins on their own though would very likely obstruct your intestines.

I knew a hardcore Maga conservative once, this is very accurate to how they behaved, they really hate everyone, they just pretend to care about certain people so they can put down others.

I like the first outfit better, it looks much more comfy. I generally prefer hoodies.

It's not a load problem though, it's because some loser is DDoSing the server. Doesn't hurt to move to other instances where it isn't happening but the real solution would be to find who's doing this so they can be brought to justice (or silenced from the internet forever, whichever is easier).

Please tell others to stop misrepresenting this issue, it is an attack, not a user overload problem and nobody who's misrepresenting it that way is doing anyone any favors except the attackers by presenting it as such. Instead it should be presented as what it is.

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